Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Coupon Happy

I know Clint is really going to like this post. 
For $10.07 at Target you would be able to purchase the below items.

However, if use coupons you can get all of this for the same amount of $.

10 boxes of cereal
4 boxes of crackers
12 cans of vegetables
8 cream soups
2 tubs of butter
7 wipes
10 rolaids
2 marshmallows

Coupons and Target make me happy!!


Kristin said...

I've never couponed at Target. Do you order your coupons from ebay?

Karol said...

take me w/ you next time!!! that's awesome!

Colleen said...

Way to go Reese. I have been missing my cuz. When can we play with you??

Me said...

WOW! What the heck?!?!? I have been a slacker in the couponing department, but even when I did it I never did at Target. I assumed the deals weren't as good there, and BOY was I wrong! Please teach me how to do this!

Tiffany said...

Please post on how to do this or if I come up from Oak City will you teach me some couponing 101?

Heidi said...

Target is great because they price match and take store plus manufact. coupons.

Jenny G. said...

You did so awesome!! :)