Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

While sitting down to lunch one day I was starving so I quickly began to eat my soup. I heard a sweet little voice say, "prayer mommy, prayer." I looked at my little boy who had his arms folded and was anxiously waiting for me to say the blessing over our food. At that moment I felt such complete joy and love for my little Easton who reminded me of how important my example is to him. Even though I often think he is not paying attention to anything I say or do, I realized he does notice and he is learning. That simple phrase, spoken from the mouth of a two year-old, motivates me to continue to try strive to be a better mother everyday. It's moments such as these that make the challenges of motherhood so very worth it.


Spitzer Family said...

Ok, I am so lame. I just read that you are pregnant...Congratulations-that is so, so exciting!! I love the picture on you header. Easton is such a sweet little boy!

Kate said...

so cute, what a smart little boy!
By the way, congrats!! I figured it would be any day now! ;)
love ya! oh, did you guys get all this fabulous snow up there? love it!

Heather J said...

Hadlee is always doing that to us too, they are great examples to us. Cute new pictures, and he makes a very cute Sully

Kristin said...

Love your new header, and that is seriously the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I just love hearing my 2 yr. old say AMEN!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Yes, they remind you everyday to be like a child. My kids remind me everyday to stay close to the Lord. That is so cute.

Walker paradise said...

i love it when my kids do that also

Colleen said...

Oh, that is perfect!! Your doin' good you little mommy!