Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Little Mate is 4

Little Mate is now 4 years old today. 
 This is the kid that started our crazy parenting adventure.   
He makes me smile, laugh, pull my hair out at times, and cry.  Most of all he makes me happy.

This boy loves dance parties and glow sticks.  We make a weekly trip to the dollar store to get a glow stick, sometimes a turkey baster or a ball but mostly just glow sticks.  Anything that is not a toy is what he likes.  He's not into swords or action figures but a nice stick or sanding sponge is preferred.
His favorite song to dance to at his dance parties is 'Carol of the Bells' (aka Grandpa Bob song) -even after 2 years it never gets old.
Easton loves his little sister and enjoys teasing her and mauling her at times.  He is a good big brother and likes to help out.

{Easton age 3}
Messes are his thing and he is not afraid to make a good mess.  He is getting better though at picking up his things and cleaning his room, which I sure appreciate.

{Easton age 2}

The boy adores his grandparents, cousins and friends.  
He told me when he is bigger he wants to drive a fire truck (like his uncle Reed), drive a race car and build things.
For his birthday I asked him what he wanted and this is the list he had me write:
 Robots  (the movie)
Scary Ball
Flashlight Glow Stick
Shrinking Star
Ghost Light Show
Root Beer

We love our little mate and are grateful for the humor and craziness he brings to our home.

I just wanted to share this little story about Easton that means so much to me.   While saying prayers last week he said, "Bless Grandpa Bob that he can get his house solded."  Well, my parents have been trying to sell their home in Grand Junction for the past year so my mom can move to Price where my dad has been working for a year and a half.  The next day after Easton's sweet prayer my parents had a showing of their home and received a great offer.  They close in just a few weeks on the sale of their home.  Such a blessing and an answer to a little boy's prayer.

                          We love our East!   Happy Birthday!


Natilie said...

Happy Birthday Easton! Maybe you could pray for our house to get solded too? Also, Charisse, could you translate that list and get back to us? Thank you!

Jo said...

I can't believe how big he is. It just seems like yesterday that you were preggo with him. Crazy how fast time flies.