My darling friend
Jeana tagged me some time ago and I am finally posting the tag. I am supposed to list
7 Random Facts about myself.
1. I love a.m. talk radio and rarely listen to music any more. Man- am I old and boring or what?
2. I spend at least an hour a week cutting and organizing my coupons.
3. I always grind my teeth when I get excited.
4. I cry when I'm happy, sad, mad, angry, frustrated, nervous- actually any emotion I have is tied to my tear ducts. The good news is that while I'm pregnant the waterworks are even more hyper-sensitive. (Just ask my husband.) Look at me wrong and I most likely will start crying.
5. I enjoy reading books about money and investing.
6. I always talk to Easton in a funny way because he is so darn cute. I might say something like "Hey juice-a loop-a fruit-a scoop. " I'm probably not helping him develop his language skills much with phrases such as this.
7. I had a paper route from 7th grade until 11th grade.