Thursday, May 22, 2008

On This Day

On this very day ten years ago, I graduated from Central High School. I never imagined at the time how many wonderful people I would meet, the things I would accomplish or the mistakes I would make on my journey forward in life.Last week we had the opportunity to go and watch my little sister Danielle graduate from the same high school I did. I can't wait for her to go out on her own and experience living the awesome college life. She will be attending Utah Valley University, along with my brother Sean who has already been attending.In ten years' time it looks like my dad's hair got a bit lighter and my mom's hair got a little less poufy. We are so proud of you Danielle!!


Melissa said...

Good news. I hope she does well at college.

Kristin said...

Connie doesn't look a day older. Congrats to Dani, it is an exciting time in life, wish I could go back and relive it but with all my experience and knowledge now. I'd be a straight A student, and I wouldn't be crying about stupid boys!

Walker paradise said...

love the pics from back in the day

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Gosh Danielle is beautiful! So fun to look back and see that our parents have changed and to see how we have too. I hope to see Danielle now tat she will be in Utah.

Clark Captions said...

Awesome Danielle! Everyone still looks so great! What an exciting day! Whoo hoo!

Clark Captions said...

Awesome Danielle! Everyone still looks so great! What an exciting day! Whoo hoo!