Thursday, May 22, 2008

Baby Steps

Last Saturday was Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover event. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Dave Ramsey he is amazing. He has a daily radio show, lots of books and many other tools to help people get out of debt, save money and become financially secure. I must say that I am very impressed with him.
My cousin Colleen and her husband Don were also at the event with us.There he is, Dave Ramsey. His event was not only informative but really funny and motivating.

Dave has a 7 baby step program. Clint and I are on step 4 but after seeing him live it just gave me the extra motivation I need to keep moving forward and reach step 7. We really had a good time.


TR said...

I just found out about this guy, but I hear good things. I'm going to buy his "Financial Peace" book and see where to go from there?

Melissa said...

Does he have a website?

Charisse said...

He does have a website and it's linked to my blog under Financial Fitness.

Kristin said...

good for you! you guys are so young, it's great to start out ahead of the game, instead of way in debt and over your heads. I'll check out his website.

Ben said...

I used to listen to his radio talk show and have read his "total money makeover". Most people are retarded when it comes to money, myself included. I think it should be required in high school to take his course. He is a stud and his plan is just common sense. Good job guys. Tell me when you are calling in to yell "We're debt Free!". The yelling is kind of gay, but still fun to listen to. Love, Ben

Walker paradise said...

I love the pencil in clint's shirt to take notes he is prepared!

Katherine said...

I also love Dave Ramsey. Glen and took his Financial Peace University class in Idaho. Zions Bank offers it. I loved it. We haven't mastered the program, but we are working on it! :)

Katherine said...

I also love Dave Ramsey. Glen and took his Financial Peace University class in Idaho. Zions Bank offers it. I loved it. We haven't mastered the program, but we are working on it! :)

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Colleen has been telling me all about him. I think that's great that you are on step 4. Good job! I haven't even hit step 1. Are there any negative steps? Keep up the good work and reach your goal.

Clark Captions said...

Way to go you guys!! Way to be ahead of the game. I'm so glad that you were both able to go. Colleen said it was great! Too bad we just had to go to Disneyland, (haa haa) otherwise we would have gone too.