Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mr. Poopy-Pants

Someone in our house, I'm not naming any names, decided to take off their diaper while they were supposed to be taking a nap and smeared the stinky substance all over their crib, sheet and blankets. As if that were not enough trouble making, earlier this same someone jammed a couple of DVD's into the stereo and now it no longer works. Clint even spent four hours trying to fix it without any luck. Who knows what that little stinker did. He is a wave of destruction wherever he goes but you can't help loving the little guy to pieces.


Melissa said...

Oh my goodness, the pooh messes are the horror. I don't envy the clean up you had to do. Masaru poohed his pants at kindy yesterday so I hosed him down in the bath tub witht he shower head. I cleaned the undies out, which is always the worst job ever!! I always think to myself, should I just throw these out or try to save them? The answer is usually determined by where the accident happens. Out in a public place, out they go, at home, try to save them. So something else to look forward to maybe!!

Holly & Kasey said...

EWE! EWE! EWE! EWE! I am totally gagging right now!

Colleen said...

Reese I am so sorry! Maybe this is just preparing you for the real deal when you get to start cleaning out those undies! Good Times. I really am feelin' for ya. Naptime is going to be a whole new adventure from now on.

Jo said...

GROSS!!! I once babysat a little girl who would do that, so they started duct taping her diaper about a gazillion times....this of course required scissors for a diaper change. Let's hope you don't have to resort to that.

Jennifer said...

Charisse, Elijah did the same thing! and yeah it was everywhere! I think little boys are a tornado of destruction! but you cant help but love them, because they are so darn cute. One thing about boys is they know how to melt you like butter, when they are cute and sweet.

haley said...

two words for you DUCT TAPE! My neighbor use to do this... I think I just threw-up in my mouth remembering the stench (I babysat...) GOOD LUCK!!!

Rafe Thompson said...

good news is now I'm not the only one to get poo all over your house...

Katherine said...

Both of my kids have had a poop smearing incident in their crib. Ally did it a few times. - It's the worst. I am so sorry!

Kristin said...

UGH! Did you see Angie's post where she duct taped the diapers on her boys? You may be headed in that direction!